Sunday, May 29, 2016

Our trip to Washington DC!

Ahhh my favorite place! Actually my favorite place is where ever he is! And this weekend we are in DC. 
Another fun weekend with my fiancé. Drinks, good food and a little of our Nations History. 
This city has So much History . It's amazing just walking around. 
We wanted to go to the Cherry Blossom Festival but it was all out of blooms. It's ok, we still enjoyed the beautiful spring weather. 

Hike up to Three Sisters Waterfall

Life is an Adventure!!!

Finally we made it up the mountain to see the 3 Sisters waterfalls.  We have been talking about this waterfall for  about a year. 
So this is how it went down. 
It's a long drive about 1 hour. Then just getting there you are out in the middle of no where. Our Gps stopped working so it was a little challenging just finding the start. 
The terain is tough. Defiantly not a hike for beginners. You have to climb ropes, go down hills, and climb over boulders.
Sounds like fun right, until you're in the middle of it and you realize you're only at the beginning. Like I said, definitely a challenging hike.

Today was a little bit more challenging, because of the weather. We experienced fog and even a little drizzle.

Finally after trailing through brush and poison ivy. You can start to hear the waterfalls.

The three sisters waterfall hike gets its name. Because of the three waterfalls.  The  lower the middle and then the highest.

All three are beautiful and today were filled with rushing water.
Here are a few pictures of our trip. 
 A little mini waterfall
 It's three waterfalls straight in the middle.