Chicago Marathon~
About 8 months ago I decided to set out on my journey of a second Marathon. This time I choose Chicago! Yes, the Windy City! I've been training for the past 8 months. Running all over the streets of San Diego.
View from our Hotel.
We stayed at Hotel Chicago. It's a moderate hotel in a great location. We are able to walk everywhere we wanted to go. Only spent 6 bucks on public transportation the whole trip.

Day one we started off at the marathon Expo!
Marathon Expo!

Next Stop Nike Town!

On our way back to our Hotel room we found the Famous Garrett's Popcorn! You can smell the carmel down the block. Yummy!! 

Some really good pizza! 
Sister Date! Elevator selfies! 

Our Night On The Town.

We visited the Hershey's Store. Yummy! The Cupcake sucked!! How does a Chocolate store sell a dry cupcake:-(